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AGNUS CASTUS SEMEN - vitex agnus-castus

Fruits of Agnus castus semen are rich in medicinal essential oils and flavonoids.

Popularly called Agnus monk's pepper, it is a subtropical shrub. We generally use it to heal inflammations, it has antifungal effects, it also helps with intestinal problems and diarrhoea, it reduces fever. The main advantage of Agnus is that it can adjust the level of sex hormones, supports their production
and regulates estrus in mares.

Use in horses: for better conception in mares, supports milk production, acts against diarrhoea, improves digestion, has an antibacterial effect, we use it in horses with Cushing's, horses with laminitis and horses with IR.

Dosage: 15-20g/day for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: either add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



AGRIMONY - agrimonia eupatoria

We mainly use agrimony externally for wounds and abrasions,
it has astringent properties.

Dosage: 50g handful
Method of preparation: we use it exclusively externally as
an infusion, which is rubbed in the wound.




alchemilla.jpgALCHEMILLA - alchemilla vulgaris

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, also a calming effect. It has a positive effect on disorders of the digestive system, especially diarrhea and flatulence, as well as poorly healing wounds and coughs. In the spring, we can add the above-ground green part of the Alchemilla together with nettle to purify the blood, it improves digestion and calms the stomach in the case of mild diarrhea. Externally, we can use the Alchemilla for conjunctivitis, it relieves itching and along with fruit vinegar, it has a beneficial effect on eczema and other skin and coat problems. 

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: either add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.




ALTHEA - althaea officinalis

Althea is a medicinal herb with an anti-inflammatory effect. It acts against coughs and supports gastric activity. It helps with abscesses, eye infections, bladder infections, diarrhea and gums problems. It eases coughing and soothes the respiratory tract. Externally, Althea helps with skin problems and inflammation.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: either add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.




ANISE - pimpinella anisum

Anise can be used internally and externally. It supports the dissolution of mucus in respiratory tract inflammation, calms spasms in the stomach and intestines and calms them down. It helps with a persistent cough, digestive disorders. It can have a beneficial effect on fresh infections as well as on protracted or chronic bronchitis. In case of colic and irritation of the stomach and intestines, anise can always be added to other preparations.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: we add it in a dry state or we can prepare it as a tea that is not strained, but poured into the feed.


birch.jpgBIRCH - betula pendula

The main area of ​​use is the treatment of the kidneys and urinary tract. Against the accumulation of water in the body, for older and weaker horses, to purify the blood, it is used for inflammation of the urinary tract. The drug is: leaves and buds and so-called birch water which can also be used, however, it must be done in a gentle way.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose
for ponies and foals.

Method of preparation: we add it in a dry state or we can prepare it as a tea that is not strained but poured into the feed.




blueberry.jpgBLUEBERRY - vaccinium myrtillus

Blueberry contains glycokinins and therefore its infusion is used for mild diabetes. It contains tannins. We use it as a tea for diarrheal diseases, stomach problems, urinary tract infections. It is slightly diuretic and anti-inflammatory. If we prepare it as an infusion, we can use it for eczema.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: either we add it dry to the feed or we make a tea that we pour into the feed. If we use it as a poultice for eczema, we prepare an infusion.


celendula.jpg CALENDULA - calendula officinalis

Calendula is a universal medicine, used both internally and externally. It is suitable for liver problems and asthma, in ointments it is an anti-inflammatory and healing agent. It has a healing effect on small wounds, abrasions, burns, inflammations in the mouth and eye, and has a positive effect on hoof rot.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: we use dried flowers from calendula, add a handful of flowers to the feed, for skin treatment it is best used in the form of an ointment or we can prepare a infusion for external use.




cleavers.jpgCLEAVERS - galium aparine

Catchweed has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and the lymphatic system. It contains a lot of silicon dioxide therefore it strengthens the skin and coat. It is used against skin ulcers, jaundice and edema. We give it to horses with swollen legs or other swellings. As well as a horse with laminitis. Crushed leaves applied externally can be a first aid for small wounds, it stops the bleeding of small wounds.

Dosage: 30g of dried horsetail per day for an adult horse, 3 handfuls in fresh form, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add to feed, no need to brew tea.


comfrey.jpgCOMFREY - symphytum officinale

The best Czech herb for muscle and bone problems, especially in the auxiliary treatment of fractures. A cough usage is possible but there are a number of better options. We will try to treat the musculoskeletal system with comfrey, as it contains alkaloids, which is not good for the liver. Supports the musculoskeletal system of older horses, helps with sprains, bruises and damage to tendons, regenerates tissues.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: Poultices with comfrey mash are recommended for external use.




CORN CUT - stigma maydis

We use stylus to support the heart, they help maintain digestion, they have a very positive effect on the activity of the urinary tract and kidneys. We use it for urinary stones and the presence of sand in the urine. We can use it to lower blood sugar levels, remove joint swelling, reduce overweight, have choleretic effects and have a laxative effect.

Dosage: 25g daily for preventive use, 40g daily for difficulties
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



cumin.jpgCUMIN - carum carvi

It is known as a remedy that calms stomach and intestinal spasms. It helps with bloating and a feeling of fullness. Cumin promotes milk production. In horses, it is beneficial for the digestive system. Horses that are prone to colic can be given a little cumin daily in addition to other medicinal herbs. We use it when changing feed, illness, stress and all situations that have an adverse effect on digestion. We recommend giving it also during the first days on the pasture. protects against colic.

Dosage: 20-30g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: can be served either alone or together with anise and fennel. It can be used either whole or freshly ground, added to the regular feed ration. We can also use it as a tea which we pour into the feed along with cumin.




DANDELION - taraxacum

It purifies the blood and treats stomach problems, liver diseases, rheumatism and chronic eczema. Dandelion contains more A vitamin than carrots, it is good to have it on pasture. It stimulates appetite and is a healthy supplement to feed. In case of rheumatic, skin problems and laminitis, the dandelion should be given daily. If your horse has warts, try treating it externally with milky juice from dandelion and thuja, it helps. It is effective in laminitis, helps with skin and coat problems

Dosage: 30g of fresh or 50g of dried herbs for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed





DANDELION - taraxacum

It purifies the blood and treats stomach problems, liver diseases, rheumatism and chronic eczema. Dandelion contains more A vitamin than carrots, it is good to have it on pasture. It stimulates appetite and is a healthy supplement to feed. In case of rheumatic, skin problems and laminitis, the dandelion should be given daily. If your horse has warts, try treating it externally with milky juice from dandelion and thuja, it helps. It is effective in laminitis, helps with skin and coat problems

Dosage: 30g of fresh or 50g of dried herbs for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



echinacea.jpgECHINACEA - echinacea purpurea

It contains a rich complex of pharmacologically active substances that have an antibiotic and immunostimulating effect. Strengthens the immune system, disease prevention, in wounds, dermatomycoses and inflammations, suitable for use with antibiotics (after consultation with a veterinarian). During colds and urinary tract infections, it supports blood formation. It is suitable to serve the herb from the autumn months.

Dosage: 30g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed





ELDERBERRY - sambucus nigra

Dried elderberry fruits are suitable for old horses that have arthritis. Elderberry is rich in C vitamin and antioxidants, it is suitable for diarrhea conditions. We use it for bronchitis, infections and fevers. It calms pains of nerve origin, especially the spine blockades. We use it for the kidneys and bladder inflammations and liver diseases. It makes horses sweat. It has a diuretic effect and also an anti-inflammatory and slightly disinfectant effect.

Dosage: 20g per day for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



eleutherococcus.jpgELEUTHEROCOCCUS - eleutherococcus senticosus

Ideal for old horses, increases immunity, reduces stress, for better reproduction. Supports appetite and concentration, increases immunity.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.





Eucalyptus is mainly known as a cough remedy. Dissolves phlegm and calms spasms. You can also use it in asthmatic horses as a prevention in the form of inhalation. In bronchitis, asthma and colds, in addition to the veterinarian's measures, inhalations should always be carried out as a supportive measure. For brittle hooves and splits, we can put eucalyptus and laurel oil on the hooves. Eucalyptus oil works well as a fly repellent. You can spray a mixture of eucalyptus oil and water in the stable, it will improve the air in the stable.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed




fennel.jpgFENNEL - foeniculum vulgare

Fennel has a good effect on the digestive system and its sweet taste makes it a favorite herb with horses. In addition to essential oils, it contains A, B, C vitamins and some mineral salts. Calms spasms, stimulates appetite and supports digestion, strengthens milk production and promotes expectoration in coughs and bronchitis. In case of abscesses and eye injuries, it supports wound healing. A mixture of anise, fennel and cumin is the best tea for the digestive tract and it also suits horses because of its taste. We use it when changing feed, switching to pasture. Suitable for feeding mares with foals.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: serve as a tea or a tea blend together with anise and cumin, brew classic tea and pour into the feed, best served warm, as the essential oils are released.



fenugreek.jpgFENUGREEK - trigonella foenum-graecum

It is one of the oldest cultural and medicinal plants ever. Promotes appetite, helps with a shiny coat, encourages milk production, weight gain, healthy firm hooves, strengthens the immune system, supports digestion, suitable for old horses. It has a positive effect on digestion, flatulence and diarrheal diseases. We can give it to horses with IR, it also has a positive effect on inducing estrus of mares.

Dosage: 50-100g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: we add to feeding, in case of rheumatic problems we give poultices where we can freely experiment with other externally acting herbs and create a mushy base, which we then apply to the affected areas.



harpagophyte.jpgHARPAGOPHYTE - harpagophytum procumbens

Harpagophyte - devil's hoof or devil's claw dried and cut root.

A very effective herb for musculoskeletal pain. The ingredients of harpagophyte have anti-inflammatory effects in joint rheumatism.

Use in horses: works against rheumatism, relieves pain, with inflammation of the joints, with muscle pain, during the increase of collagen fibers in the tissue, preventively for sports horses under the highest load, in older horses or horses in recovery, supports digestion, an ideal supplement after physiotherapy and chiropractic

Do not feed 48 hours before the competition, it may contain doping substances. Do not give to horses with stomach ulcers. Do not give to pregnant or lactating mares.

10g for an adult horse per day as prevention
15-20g in case of problems
For ponies and foals, give half the dose.
We serve for a limited time (1 month to serve, 14 days to stop).

Method of preparation: add in a dry state



hawthorn.jpgHAWTHORN - crataegus laevigata

The main effect of hawthorn depends on terpene acids, flavonoids and vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and can also be added to soothing mixtures. We can use it internally and externally, it lowers blood pressure and fever, is diuretic, calms spasms and strengthens blood circulation. We give hawthorn to horses for a longer period of time so that its effect is sufficiently manifested. We use it 4 to 6 weeks. Hawthorn is well suited for the prevention and treatment of mild heart failure. It positively affects blood circulation and stabilizes blood pressure. It is advisable to use hawthorn in combination with medicines for laminitis and inflammation of the navicular bone. We can also use hawthorn in colic conditions. Suitable for the transition to spring grazing.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparationadd dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed

Do not give to pregnant and lactating mares! 





HEATHER - calluna vulgaris

We use heather for inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, at the same time it is suitable for swelling of the lower limbs, we also use it for water retention in the body, also for arthritic problems. We can also use heather to cleanse the body. It works very well in flushing out joint deposits, regulates metabolism, we also use it for stomach ulcers

Dosage: 30-40g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



hop-cones.jpgHOP CONES - humulus lupulus

Hops are primarily known for their calming effect. Its flowers contain bitters, tannins and essential oils, which together form the lupulin secretion. This secretion has an antiseptic effect, stimulates taste, calms spasms, supports digestion and relieves pain. Hops can have a beneficial effect both internally and externally. It is often served mixed with melissa, valerian, lavender. We mainly use it to calm down and at the same time for good digestion. If you are going on a difficult journey with your horse, give him tea with hops, valerian and lavender a few days in advance. Hops and chamomile flowers are a proven remedy for bloating and indigestion. 

Dosage: 30g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



chamomile.jpgCHAMOMILE - marticaria chamomilla

Chamomile is one of our most famous medicinal herbs. It is a common weed but currently an important cultivated plant.

It is a mild sedative, spasmolytic, and has analgesic and antimicrobial effects. It works well both internally and externally for all kinds of pain. Chamomile acts as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, tonic, calms spasms, supports digestion, calms, relaxes and dilates blood vessels. Calms spasms during colic, against inflammation of the teeth and mouth, on inflamed wounds, has a disinfecting effect.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed, in case of inflammation of the teeth and mouth, rinse with the infusion.




chicory.jpgCHICORY - cicorium intybus

Chicory root is a source of natural polyphenols, so it has great anti-inflammatory effects and helps protect the body from cancer. It reduces the formation of free radicals and thus helps the function and detoxification of the liver. Thanks to the content of inulin and fiber, it acts favorably in the intestines as a prebiotic. It thus improves digestion and helps with loss of appetite and impaired metabolism, it can alleviate the symptoms of stomach ulcers.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



chaluha-hruba.jpgKELP - fucus vesiculosus

Kelp is a natural supplement that is very rich in iodine and magnesium. It is suitable for horses with laminitis, nervous horses and obese horses. It is also recommended for thyroid diseases and for horses with arthritis. Iodine deficiency is manifested by anemia, sickness, general apathy and a tendency to lose weight. In pregnant mares, iodine deficiency can cause premature birth or abortion. Kelp contains the highest proportion of iodine of all seaweeds.

iodine 0.7% (up to) > this is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones and thus for the proper functioning of metabolic activities - supports the breakdown of fats, 
another min. substances: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, ferrum, zinc, copper, chlorophyll, significant content of A, B, C, D, E and K vitaminsY. Except a large amount of iodine, it contains potassium, sodium, bromine and essential oils.

Dosage: max. 15g per day (1 teaspoon)
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed.
Attention: pregnant mares should be dosed carefully to avoid overdose.



lapacho.jpgLAPACHO BARK - tabebuia impetiginosa

The red-brown bark of the tropical Lapacho tree. Its typically soft fragrance with woody notes, with a slight vanilla touch.

Use in horses: Lapacho acts as an antioxidant, cleanses the body of heavy metals, strengthens the liver, spleen and kidneys, supports digestion and metabolism, excellently strengthens the immune system, has an anti-tumor effect, can also be given for summer rash, shortness of breath and allergies, stabilizes blood levels of blood sugar, acts against anemia, is given when the legs are swollen, neutralizes the overacidification of the body.

Dosage: 30-50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



lavender.jpgLAVENDER - lavandula angustifolia

The drug is the flower. The summary of this lot of substances serves primarily as a sedative and antispasmodic, relieves spasms of smooth muscles. It has a mild antibiotic effect. Calms nervous horses, quick help with insect bites, acts against flies, we can hang a bundle of lavender in the stable in spring and summer.

Contents: The flowers are primarily siliceous with the content of lynalyl acetate, lonalol, borneol, cineol, camphor and other active substances.

Dosage: 30-50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: it is best to serve tea made from flowers, lavender is also known for being in many feed mixtures, at the same time we can also combine it with other herbs.
Do not give to pregnant and lactating mares!



lemon-grass.jpgLEMON GRASS - cymbopogon citratus

Lemongrass reduces cholesterol in the blood, affects the nervous system, facilitates digestion, and increases the ability to concentrate. Helps detoxify the liver, bladder and kidneys. We use lemongrass for loss of appetite, to improve feed intake. We use it for stomach and intestinal problems.

Dosage: 30-50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



licorice.jpgLICORICE - glycyrrhiza glabra

Licorice is a plant from the Mediterranean, individual varieties are found all over the world. The Egyptians were the first to use licorice. Thanks to its sweet taste and soothing properties, it was also well known in ancient Greece. It consists mainly of concentrated licorice juice. In case of cough and bronchitis, it promotes expectoration, suppresses cough and calms spasms. It also has a cleansing effect on the blood and supports digestion. We can use small doses of licorice as a complementary medicine for stomach inflammations and liver problems, it is proven that licorice supports the production of hormones and increases fertility in mares.

Dosage: 50 g of dried root for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed, we can use licorice leaves on the bruised places and treat the affected areas with it.



meadowsweet.jpgMEADOWSWEET - filipendula ulmaria

The excellent anti-rheumatic drug has a strong anti-inflammatory effect thanks to the salicylate and is therefore suitable in small amounts for mixtures in feverish conditions where sweating is desirable. It is suitable for diseases where the veterinarian determines a high level of salt in the body. Helps with rheumatism, works against limp, helps with muscle and joint pain, suitable for old horses, reduces fever, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dosage: add a 50g handful either dry to feed, or make a tea to add to feed
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



melissa.jpgMELISSA - melissa officinalis

It is ideal for calming down, has a sedative effect on the nervous system and calms the vegetative system, which means that it can be added to mixtures for colic and general restlessness of the organism. It also has a mild effect on the heart and stomach and is therefore also suitable for longer-lasting treatment, of course in a reasonable amount. It is suitable for calming mixtures, against spasms and colic. The antiseptic results on the skin, various sores, injuries, festering non-healing wounds are also very good. Along with calendula and other suitable herbs, it can also be used externally.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.
It is suitable for long-term use.




nettle.jpgNETTLE DIOECIOUS - urtica dioica

Nettle is a very useful medicinal drug but it must be used correctly, as it has some unpleasant properties, especially when fresh. It is safe after drying. It is suitable for a maximum of two months' use and only for relatively healthy individuals. It acts against anemia, stabilizes heart activity, and its anti-rheumatic administration is known. The nettle root can also be used but it is less effective. It is very suitable for a damaged mane. It cleans the blood, strengthens the liver, gives strength to older horses, helps with laminitis, summer rash and also iron deficiency.

Dosage: 20-40g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: if we have a fresh nettle, we scald it and pour it into the feed, if we have dry leaves, add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.
Do not use on pregnant or lactating mares.




oak-bark.jpgOAK BARK - quercus robur

It contains a lot of tannins, catechins, ellagic acid and other substances. It has an astringent effect and is used for diarrhea and inflammation of the digestive system but it is also used externally.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



origanum.jpgORIGANUM - origanum vulgare

Origanum is a universal medicine, spasmolytic, cardiotonic. We can also use it as a gastrosedative, i.e. a digestive soothing agent. It also has mild calming effects, Supports digestion, works well during long transport, poultices for rheumatic problems, relaxes muscles.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: brew a tea to add to the feed, for external use, dry Origanum is boiled for several minutes in water and left to stand for 30 minutes.
Do not use on pregnant or lactating mares.



peppermint.jpgPEPPERMINT - mentha piperita

It is a very good carminative, antiseptic, spasmolytic, cholagogue, antidepressant, simply a universal herb that can be mixed into various blends. As a prevention for colic, dissolves mucus in cough and bronchitis, helps with insect bites and fungal infections, has disinfectant effects.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.
Due to the strong effect of mint, higher doses are not recommended for long-term use!




plantain.jpgPLANTAIN - plantago lanceolata

A persistent drug belonging to the basic drugs in herbal therapy. Plantain helps both externally and internally. It is suitable for healing poultices and ointments, antitussive cough mixtures, helps with stomach ulcers, acts as a light herbal antibiotic for use in the intestines where it does not destroy the intestinal microflora. Overall, it strengthens the animal's organism, it is also suitable for use against coughs. Poultry for swollen areas.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of use: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed, external use in case of swollen areas or skin injuries, add plantain leaves.




raspberry.jpgRASPBERRY - rubus idaeus

It purifies the blood, promotes taste, is used to strengthen the uterus and promotes milk production. We use it in older horses against rheumatism, relieves pain, treats inflammation in the mouth and teeth. Assists mares with foaling. We give it to pregnant mares 4 weeks before giving birth to ease the delivery. It helps with diarrhea and digestive problems. Raspberry can also be used for diarrheal diseases.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: brew a tea to add to the feed.
We do not recommend serving for more than 4 weeks!



roseship.jpgROSESHIP - rosa canina

An ideal supporting herb in the treatment of inflammation and other various diseases that weaken the organism. Rosehip is a safe herb even for prolonged use. Supports immunity, contains a large amount of C vitamin, strengthens the liver, supports the digestive system. An ideal remedy for old horses with arthritis.

Dosage: 50g handful for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.



rowan-berry.jpgROWAN BERRY - sorbus aucuparia

Rowan berry contains a high proportion of C vitamin, we use it for respiratory problems, it has a diuretic effect. They have also proven themselves in upper respiratory tract infections.

Rowan berries have a mild laxative and diuretic effect, increase the secretion of bile, are used as an anti-rheumatic agent, to destroy and wash out urinary sand and smaller stones or as a means of regulating bowel activity.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.
Do not use fresh rowan berries, you can poison the horse!




SAGE - salvia officinalis

It is another example of a univesal herb but the main strength is in the antibacterial action in the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity.

It helps with inflammation of the gums, with an injury in the mouth, has a beneficial effect on digestion, it is a natural antibiotic for the flu, calms spasms and heals wounds.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed.
Do not use on pregnant or lactating mares!




seaberry.jpgSEABERRY - hippophae rhamnoides

An orange fruit that strengthens immunity and prevents the aging process of the body. Increases resistance to infections. In case of disorders of the digestive system, in case of stomach ulcers, it protects the gastric mucosa. Supports the liver. Suitable for horses with problematic skin. An excellent source of C vitamin. Seaberry is generally considered a vitamin bomb containing vitamins A, B1, B12, C (114 to 1,550 mg per 100 grams), E, ​​K and P. It also contains minerals: especially potassium, copper and manganese. The typical acidity of the fruit is caused by malic acid. We also use seaberry to support digestion, against stress, to increase performance and vitality.

Dosage: 20g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed



st.john--s-wort.jpgST. JOHN´S WORT - hypericum perforatum

St. John's wort can be used for many problems. Digestion, kidneys, liver, nervous system, heart and blood vessels. It can also be used externally for poultice. It is suitable to give St. John's wort to nervous and restless horses, it supports the healing of wounds, it helps with rheumatic problems. Natural antibiotic, diuretic, improves concentration.

Dosage: 40g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: to calm the nerves, it is advisable to serve long-term.
Caution: St. John's wort contains hypericin, which makes humans and animals sensitive to sunlight. Therefore, be careful with light-sensitive horses that stand on pasture all day, St. John's wort could cause a heatstroke or skin irritation.




It has strong antibacterial effects, it is a great source of C vitamin, strengthens the immune system, it is used in respiratory diseases, has a very good effect on blood vessels, is also used in constipated horses, does not disturb the intestinal microflora, is used in diseases of the genitourinary system, yeast infections, chronic inflammation.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed



valerian.jpgVALERIAN - valeriana officinalis

Even the Latin name suggests that valerian has a sedative effect. Although slightly, but reliably. It can also be used in mixtures for colic as it also has spasmolytic properties. The best method of administration is a tincture but if this is not possible, the root is used in a feed mixture. We use the valerian to calm down irritated horses, for horses that have a harder time tolerating changes, either when moving to races or to another stable or when the owner changes. We can also use it to remove a bad habit caused by nervous irritation, at the same time it is said to expel worms, but be careful not to mistake it for deworming. For external use, we can use the valerian for healing wounds and removing muscle spasms. Calming in case of nervous irritation, strengthens the immune system, in spasmodic colic, to relax the muscles.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: we use the cut root from the valerian, just add a handful to the feed, we add it in a dry state or we can prepare it as a tea, which is not strained, but added to the feed.
Contains doping substances. Do not use on pregnant or lactating mares!




vilcacora.jpgVILCACORA - uncaria tomentosa

A Peruvian herb that helps harmonize blood pressure, supports the immune system, recharges energy, promotes the improvement of stomach ulcers, protects the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, has anti-cancer effects, can be used as a preventive cleansing cure, acts against viruses, inflammation and fungi, has strong antioxidant effects , relieves chronic pain and problems associated with asthma.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: brew a tea to add to the feed.
Do not give to pregnant or lactating mares and horses with blood clotting disorders!




WILD THYME - thymus serpyllum
We use thyme against coughs, digestive problems, poorly healing wounds, it has calming effects, supports the expulsion of the placenta, digestive disorders, flatulence and colics.

Content: thymol essential oil, carvacrol, linalool, terpineol, ursolic acid, flavonoids, tannins and bitters.

Dosage: Do not give long-term.
Method of preparation: add a handful of dried herbs to the feed or in case of cough, prepare a tea to add to the feed.



yarrow.jpgYARROW - achillea millefolium

Internally, it helps with inflammation of the bladder and rheumatism. It stimulates the appetite and can also be given to horses that have a fever. It increases blood flow to the upper blood vessels and helps with laminitis and inflammation of the navicular bone. Externally given yarrow is a means of first aid for nosebleeds and injuries.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed or brew a tea to add to the feed. For external use infusion as a poultice.




It works great as a natural binder of mycotoxins, helps relieve stiffness, has a beneficial effect on arthritis, is also used in colic conditions, has a beneficial effect on the coat and improves the condition of the skin and hooves. Supports metabolism. We can also use it for phlegmon and laminitis. Detoxifies the organism, improves feed intake, liver and kidney function.

Dosage: 50g for an adult horse, half the dose for ponies and foals.
Method of preparation: add dry to the feed



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